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Monday, December 14, 2009

I have been a deficient blogger!

I can't believe I haven't posted in such a long time, but honestly, life has been crazy!  I really think the trip to China just plain, flat ran us down especially physically.  Ted has really taken the brunt of it and has not recovered and has been dealing with some unknown infection that has had his liver working overdrive.  They did all of the tests that you would think to do and he is fine!  They just think that his body is fighting off some kind of unknown infection and that he is totally rundown.  Allison has been so wonderful but she still does get up a lot at night and has been sick with different various things since we have gotten home.  It first started off with the horrible stomach bug that got us all, then she got bitten by something that turned into one of those MRSA infections on her face.  It made her right eye almost swell shut, but we got her on the strongest, nastiest antiobiotic there is, Cleosin.  It is supposedly the worst tasting thing out here and we can even smell how horrible it is!  Allison has been a trooper about it, though, and her face is almost back to perfect.  But, unfortunately, now she has a horrible cold!  I have forgotten what it is like to have a baby/toddler who picks up every kind of germ in sight and then sweetly passes it on to everyone in the family!!  So, of course, she isn't sleeping well and we just can't ever catch up on our rest.  Allison is doing incredible in spite of all of this.  She can stand unassisted for several seconds and can walk now when holding on to something.  She sometimes says MaMa and DaDa when she wants us or sees us.  She know when we tell her No!  Does that stop her??? Defintely not.  But you do see her looking at you and she knows she is not supposed to be doing whatever she shouldn't be.  She LOVES her brothers.  They are so good with her and pick her up and play with her all of the time.  Matthew has surprised us the most.  As a 14 year old, to see his face light up when he sees her is the biggest blessing there ever could be.  She got to open up her first presents this past Saturday as we had a little early Christmas celebration with my Dad, stepmom, sister and her boyfriend and my step-grandmother.  She loved it!  She got her first walker and she is all over.  She sometimes will go too fast though and take a tumble!  She is determined.  She has 4 teeth but 2 more on the top are almost in.  One of them really is already in and sticking out.  I am sure this hasn't helped with the sleeping.  She copies us when we stick out our tongue or make noises with our tongue and lips ( I think those are called zorberts or something - I probably have spelled it completely wrong!!).  She crawls all over the house and looks at the stairs with great determination but hasn't figured it out yet.  Thank goodness!!  Her Christening is this weekend and I can't wait to see her in her Christening dress. Thanks, godmother Jody, for the beautiful dress.  We have a lot of people coming as we sent out some really cute invitations, so it should be a very special day.  Matthew is in the middle of exams.  This kid is so blaise about everything.  He barely studies and he says how easy everything is.   We will see when we get his grades!!  He actually made Headmaster's list the past quarter which is a 3.8 or above, so I think that gave him overconfidence and that is why he thinks he can just breeze through anything.  We shall see!!  He is playing basketball this season and is on the A team.  We were very excited for him.  He just didn't realize how hard it is to play basketball as part of a team.  He thought because he could shoot outside at our house and make all of the baskets that it would carry through to the actual sport.  He is finding it to be much harder!  The other boys are doing great and we are looking forward to the break.  I love it when they are home and we will probably spend the vacation up in the mountains.  I am posting some pictures of Allison that we just taken this Saturday.  I really see a difference in her now as compared to two months ago.  When she went to the doctor last week her weight was 17 pounds and 5 ounces.  She is still so tiny though and when she stands up she is so adorable because her legs are so short.  She is a very happy baby and loves everyone.  Now, if she would just sleep, things would be perfect!!

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