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Monday, December 28, 2009

Christening December 20, 2009

Her day was the morning of December 20, 2009.  Allison was ready to go to Church and be baptized.   She took a little nap before we had to leave the house in the morning by 9:50.  Our family was so thrilled that Juliette and her family were able to come down from Atlanta to enjoy the day with us.  Beforehand, I had made some really cute invitations and will post a few copies of the day.  Allison's godmother bought her the dress and it was champage colored with lace on the sleeves and then down the middle of her and it was long and elegent on her.  She looked like a Queen.  I think she is one of the most beautiful babies i have seen in their Christening gowns.  She was perfect through church, but once in a while she would make a joyful noise to the Lord!  Well, it was after the sermom and it was time for her to go up there with Ted, me, Matthew, Kevin and Joshua had to come down from the altar as he was acolyting.  The two wonderful godparents also went down, Jody and Matt Greene.  Jody was the one to buy the gorgeous gown and I cannot ever thank her enough. By special request, the choir sang Baptized in Water which just brought tears to our eyes because it is such a beautiful hymn.  Then we proceeded with the baptism and Allison was perfect.  She was being held by Daddy and then when it was time to hand her over to Father Steph she was just fine.  She did fine being blessed with the water, but she did not care for having Steph putting the cross on her forehead which I believe he does with either oil or somekind of wax.  Everyone in the congregation started to laugh because she litterally swiped his hands away from when he was messing with her forehead.  She hates have anyone wiping or messing with her face.  Then Steph who has magic powers with babies, took Allison during the peace and walked her down the aisle to show everyone.  I am sure she was doing her Queenly wave to her guests.  She was a riot, but absolutely stunning.  We had tons of family and our closest and dearest friends we inviting and we almost filled the church!  We then had a cake afterwards the made to look like the invitations.  The cake was made by Kim Garcia of JaxDesserts and the cake was fabulous and oh, so very good!  We have a whole layer left and I am tempted to cut into even though we decided to freeze it!  Ha!  It was such a special day and having during Advent made it that much more special.  A huge priceless milestone was had today and it couldn't have been more perfect.

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