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Friday, November 20, 2009

So Many Changes - Yet How Things Stay the Same

What an addition this little one has been in our lives. I remember sitting in China and just crying because I was so worried (what wasn't I worried about?) that the boys wouldn't love her or they wouldn't care. What if they just ignored her and they didn't feel like she was a part of the family? Well, I have never seen 3 brothers react with such love and concern about a little girl before in my life. They come home and immediately they drop down on the floor and play with her and talk to her. Even Matthew! Allison has been such a blessing for Matthew. It has opened him up in ways that none of us could. He breaks out in grins and just thinks Allison is hysterical. He tickles her and watches out for her. Joshua our 10 year old is so funny. There was one time I was sitting there watching her while she was standing up holding on to the table. I was watching like HGTV at the same time and just keeping a grip on her. Well, that wasn't enough for Joshua! He thought I should be taking better care of her! He told me that he would watch Allison so I could watch my show. I laughed and told him that I was perfectly capable of watching Allison but he wouldn't accept no for an answer! So he felt like he could watch out better for her. I loved it. Kevin loves to read books to Allison and actually will feed her her meals with a baby spoon. He does the whole helicopter thing and it is so cute. Things are so much more than I could ever imagine. I think also because she interacts with them so much, that that is why they feel so attached to her. She smiles and laughs at them and the boys just eat it up. The one difference that we have seen in Allison since we have been home since the 29th of October is that she doesn't suck her thumb except at nighttime now. I really think it is because she feels secure and happy. Before in China she would constantly have her thumb in her mouth. Since we have been home, about a week and a half later I just started to realize during the day she never sucks her thumb. She smiles all of the time and can definitely voice her demands when she wants to. She is strong willed, sweet, busy, very aware and alert of all of her surroundings. We call her the rock star because whenever she goes to a big gathering like church she dances during the music, she flirts and grins at everyone and she is very vocal! Finally, because I believe she has gotten so comfortable with home, she is sleeping much better. She likes to go to sleep in her pack-n-play in her own room and goes to bed around 8:00 and gets up once or twice a night. She also takes 1-2 naps a day. She knows when it is time to take a nap and she just snuggles right in and sucks her thumb and falls asleep in my arms. You can't ask for more than that. I love the cuddling!!


Sherri said...

Congrats!! Welcome home and welcome to blogger. Your little girl is just beautiful.


Linda and John said...

Ciara doesn't suck her thumb as much as she did in China and mostly sucks her thumb going to sleep - funny how they do the same things.

Linda & John